Read more about GraphQL

Before we start to build full-fledged GraphQL applications, on the client- and server-side, let's explore GraphQL with the tools we have installed in the previous sections. You can either use GraphiQL or the GitHub's GraphQL Explorer. In the following, you will learn about GraphQL's fundamentals by executing your first GraphQL queries, mutations…

Apollo is an entire ecosystem built by developers as an infrastructure for GraphQL applications. You can use it on the client-side for a GraphQL client application, or server-side for a GraphQL server application. At the time of writing this tutorial, Apollo offers the richest and most popular ecosystem around GraphQL in JavaScript. There are other…

In a previous application, you have learned how to mock a GraphQL server in different ways when having Apollo Client as GraphQL client in your React application. The following application shows you how you can take this knowledge to the next level for writing tests for your Apollo Client queries and mutations. So far, the Apollo Client instance can…

In this chapter, you will implement server-side architecture using GraphQL and Apollo Server. The GraphQL query language is implemented as a reference implementation in JavaScript by Facebook, while Apollo Server builds on it to simplify building GraphQL servers in JavaScript. Since GraphQL is a query language, its transport layer and data format…

Finding the right solution for a given problem is not always simple, and web applications build with GraphQL are a good example of how changing times make for constantly evolving challenges. Moreover, evolving challenges create a scenario where the solutions must also evolve, so even the number of choices becomes a task. This article will decipher…

When it comes to network requests between client and server applications, REST is one of the most popular choices to connect both worlds. In REST, everything evolves around the idea of having resources that are accessible by URLs. You can read a resource with a HTTP GET request, create a resource with a HTTP POST request, and update or delete it…

In a previous application, you have used Apollo Link State to substitute React's local state management with it. Even though it wasn't necessary, because it is most often sufficient to manage local state with React only, it has shown you how it can be achieved with local queries and local mutations when using Apollo Link State. However, it needs to…

You may have used a GraphQL client library that was view-layer agnostic and thus able to work with React or other solutions like Angular or Vue. Other GraphQL client libraries like Relay and Urql aren't so powerful, because they are used only for React. The next chapter is to illustrate how to implement a GraphQL client library that works with…

Step-by-step is often the easiest way to learn something new, so it's fortunate that learning GraphQL in JavaScript teaches both the client and the server-side of an application. Seeing both sides of the web transactions is useful, but the catch is you have to learn two environments. The step-by-step mentality can be difficult to apply here, so I…