Read more about GraphQL

Often you run into the case where you have to mock your GraphQL server for your GraphQL client application. It can be for testing your GraphQL client or when your GraphQL server is not (always) available for development. Then it comes in handy to know how to mock your GraphQL server. The following tutorial will show you how to do it for Apollo…

There are many people out there questioning how to deal with local data in a React application when using Apollo Client for remote data with its queries and mutations. As shown in previous applications, it can be done with React's local state management. When the state management for the local data reaches a point where it becomes too complex , it…

In this tutorial, you will learn how to combine React with GraphQL in your application using Apollo. The Apollo toolset can be used to create a GraphQL client, GraphQL server, and other complementary applications, but you will use the Apollo Client for your React client-side application. Along the way, you will build a simplified GitHub client that…

In this client-sided GraphQL application we'll build together, you will learn how to combine React with GraphQL. There is no clever library like Apollo Client or Relay to help you get started yet, so instead, you will perform GraphQL queries and mutations with basic HTTP requests. Later, in the next application we are going to build together, I…