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Material UI for React, also called MUI, does not come with a native CrossFade component for transitioning with a cross fade animation between two or more components. Here I want to share the cross fade component that I have used for several of my freelance projects when using Material UI: And the usage of this CrossFade component appears as follows…

Material UI for React, also called MUI, does not come with a native nested Dropdown menu. Here I want to share the nested dropdown component that I have used for several of my freelance projects when using Material UI. Before you can use it, you have to check out my implementation for a dropdown with Material UI (MUI) in React: In the Dropdown…

Material UI for React, also called MUI, does not come with a native Dropdown component. Here I want to share the dropdown component that I have used for several of my freelance projects when using Material UI. Before you can use it, you have to install its Material UI (MUI) dependencies: Next follows the implementation of a Material UI Dropdown…

A short React tutorial by example for beginners about creating a dropdown in React. First of all, there is no HTML equivalent to render a dropdown in React as straight forward as a select component . However, here you will learn how to create a dropdown component in React step by step. First, we need a HTML button element which will open (or close…

A short React tutorial by example for beginners about creating a select in React. First of all, a select is just an HTML select element which can be rendered in React's JSX: What may be missing is an associated label to signal the user what value is changed with this select: In your browser, this select can already change its select state by…

A button may be the first interactive element that you are using in a React component. Therefore, this is a short React tutorial by example for beginners about creating a button in React, how to use it, and how to extract it as a reusable component. First of all, a button is just an HTML button element which can be rendered in React's JSX: By using…

A short React tutorial by example for beginners about using a radio button in React. First of all, a radio button is just an HTML input field with the type of radio which can be rendered in React's JSX: What may be missing is an associated label to signal the user what value is changed with this radio button: In your browser, this radio button can…

A short React tutorial by example for beginners about using a checkbox in React. First of all, a checkbox is just an HTML input field with the type of checkbox which can be rendered in React's JSX: What may be missing is an associated label to signal the user what value is changed with this checkbox: In your browser, this checkbox can already…

In this React component tutorial by example, we will create a React Range Component with React Hooks and a Function Component . You can see the final output of this implementation in this CodeSandbox or in this GitHub repository . If you want to implement it step by step, just follow the tutorial. React Range: Component We are starting off…