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GraphQL resolvers are used to resolve GraphQL queries to actual data. In this GraphQL tutorial, you will learn how to set up a GraphQL middleware for these resolvers for dealing with authorization and permissions. The following code snippet shows a GraphQL resolver with arguments that creates a new entity in a database. In this scenario, a user…

Every time I used Firebase, I ran into the problem of how to test Firebase's database and authentication. Since I am using Jest as my default testing environment, I figured everything I needed already comes with Jest. In this tutorial, you will learn how to mock Firebase's features. We will use Firebase Admin SDK for the Firebase setup, however…

So far, it was fine to rely only on React's local state and React's Context API. This tutorial dives into using MobX on top of React and Firebase for the state management. We'll exchange React's local state (e.g. users on admin page, messages on home page) and React's context (e.g. session management for authenticated user) with MobX. It will how…

The previous tutorial series covered a lot of ground for Firebase in React. So far, it was fine to rely only on React's local state and React's Context API. This tutorial dives into using Redux on top of React and Firebase for state management. You will exchange React's local state (e.g. users on admin page, messages on home page) and React's…

Today, I am thrilled to announce The Road to Firebase , my book that started as a tutorial in 2017 and has evolved into course material. The tutorial has been one of the most-read and well-received articles on my website, and this gave me the idea to add enough content to make a complete volume. Perhaps the best thing about the book is that I…

Those who follow my content know that I always use the good old Firebase Realtime Database in React applications. I am saying good old here, because there is this new cool kid on the block: Firebase's Cloud Firestore . It can be used as alternative to Firebase's Realtime Database . According to Google's documentation, there are four major…

After we built a full-fledged application in React, the final step is deployment, the tipping point of getting your ideas out into the world, from consuming tutorials to producing applications. We will use Firebase Hosting for the deployment. In this section, I want to guide you through deploying your React application to Firebase. It works for…

Now we've worked with a list of data and single entities with the Firebase's realtime database to create an admin dashboard in the previous sections. In this section, I want to introduce a new entity to demonstrate a business-related feature for a Firebase in React application, a message entity that lets you create a chat application. We'll cover…

Before we dive deeper into Firebase's realtime database and the domain-related business logic of our application, it makes sense to invest more time into React Router. So far, we have split up our application into top-level routes to manage our whole authentication flow with login, logout, and registration. Additionally, we protected top-level…