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In this brief walkthrough, we will use Babel Module Resolver to convert relative paths to aliases for your entire JavaScript application. You can install it via the command line: And use it in your .babelrc file to create your first module alias: In this case, we are giving all our Icons an alias path. Imagine you would have another src…

Recommended alternative: Instead of Mocha/Chai, using Jest as test runner and assertion library for unit, integration and snapshot tests . Before setting up the test setup with different testing libraries and writing the React component tests, you will need a simple React application which can be tested in the first place. You will introduce a…

Coveralls is used to show you the test coverage of your JavaScript application. Let's see how it can be used for your JavaScript project which is already on GitHub and connected to your Travis CI due to the previous CI setup tutorial. First, sign up at with your GitHub account. Second, synchronize your GitHub repositories and toggle…

End-to-end testing (E2E) was always a tedious task with testing frameworks from the past. However, nowadays many people are using for it. Their documentation has a high quality and their API is concise and clean. Let's use Cypress for this React testing tutorial series. First, you have to install it on the command line to your dev…

In this React testing tutorial, we will introduce Enzyme in our Jest testing environment. Jest is commonly used as test runner -- to be able to run your test suites and test cases from the command line with optional configuration -- but also to make assertions in your test cases. In contrast, Enzyme can be used within Jest to render components, to…

Jest got introduced by Facebook for testing JavaScript and especially React applications. It's one of the most popular ways to test React components nowadays. Since it comes with its own test runner, you can simply call Jest from the command line to run all your tests. All your tests are defined as test suites (e.g. describe -block) and test…

In this tutorial I want to walk you through setting up ESLint for React. You should go through the previous tutorials in order to learn about the basic setup for Webpack and ESLint though. It will also tell you about all the benefits that come with the code style improvements which ESLint is giving your projects. Webpack and Babel for React ESLint…